Tuesday, December 12, 2017

From the desk of a physician

As I end my day at the clinic, going thru my cases, 
Similar complaints, similar conditions , only unfamiliar faces!
Vitamin deficiencies, and different anemias, headaches, Sore throats and thalassemias,
Hypertension, diabetes , metabolic syndrome,
Gout, peptic ulcers and fevers unknown! 

Superficial diseases with scarred souls, 
Sometimes I explore the histories untold.
Mother hides her breast lump from the pregnant daughter, 
Febrile son puts up a smiling face when visiting with bankrupt father.
Non compliance with antihypertensives, as there was no money to refill.
Absence of loving and caring partner, keeps the patient ill.

Stress, anxiety, depression colour a medical condition,
High blood pressure , high sugars show up in investigation. 
I treat the condition but the root remains untouched, 
The body gets treated but the soul could never get cured.

Break ups, bankruptcy, insecurity and exhaustion, 
Are the diagnosis that my harrison doesnt mention.
I wish I could wipe away the scars that cant be seen,
A few pills of happiness to treat everything!!! 😀😀😀

Dr. Sneha Shanbhag
MD Internal medicine

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